In a program to involve youth in climate adaptation planning, fifth graders made models of their homes and town, and designed improvements.

In a program to involve youth in climate adaptation planning, fifth graders made models of their homes and town, and designed improvements.
Emily, Liliana, Kalanii, Libny, Marc, Alexis & Mila, San Rafael
David, Christopher, Anderson, Elmer & Michael, San Rafael
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En un programa para unir a jóvenes a la planificación de la adaptación climática, estudiantes de quinto grado hicieron modelos de sus hogares y ciudades, y diseños para mejorarlos.
In a program to involve youth in climate adaptation planning, fifth graders made models of their homes and town, and designed improvements.
Emily, Liliana, Kalanii, Libny, Marc, Alexis & Mila, San Rafael
David, Christopher, Anderson, Elmer & Michael, San Rafael
Dylan, Xavi, Alexis, David, Simone & Isabella, San Rafael
Frank, Genesis, Jonathan, Nora, Grayson, Marc, Sarah & Ben, San Rafael
Jacob, Arleth, Brithany, Allison, Jorddy, Penny & Kano, San Rafael
Elmer, Daniel, Cristian, Angel, Andre, Kano & En-yu,San Rafael
Laurel Dell Elementary, San Rafael
Residentes del canal vadean en la ciencia cuidadana.
Organizers of the bilingual King Tide Day/Día de las Mareas Reales along the San Rafael Canal on February 10 hoped witnessing the highest tides of the year could help make the area’s vulnerability to sea level rise more real to residents.
In November 2022 San Rafael launched a resilience planning project that has community-based organizations playing an active role in decision-making.
Late October’s atmospheric river storm dumped record-breaking amounts of rain across the Bay Area, leading to flooding, fallen trees, mudslides, and other damage. Flood sirens whooped as residents in low-lying areas made preparations such as moving cars and stacking sandbags. Even so, there were reports of evacuations, street closures, and calls to shelter in place around the Bay, including in Santa Rosa, San Mateo, and San Anselmo.