Category: Policy
New Rules on Rebuilds, FEMA Says No to Wet Feet
New construction projects supported by federal emergency funding must be built to withstand extreme floods, including anticipated rise in sea level.
Memo Distills Joint Approach to Flood Protection
Seven Bay Area agencies sign an agreement to beef up coordination on sea level rise adaptation projects and clarify who’s on first.
Will PG&E’s New Rates Help More People Electrify Their Homes?
Could middle income folks end up paying an unfair portion of the cost of the energy transition thanks to the new income-generated fixed charge?
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New Rules on Rebuilds, FEMA Says No to Wet Feet
New construction projects supported by federal emergency funding must be built to withstand extreme floods, including anticipated rise in sea level.
Memo Distills Joint Approach to Flood Protection
Seven Bay Area agencies sign an agreement to beef up coordination on sea level rise adaptation projects and clarify who’s on first.
Big Money but Short Deadlines for Regional GHG Reduction Projects
Requirements for the latest round of USEPA grants for climate resiliency and mitigation projects were tough for local officials to meet.
Will PG&E’s New Rates Help More People Electrify Their Homes?
Could middle income folks end up paying an unfair portion of the cost of the energy transition thanks to the new income-generated fixed charge?
Wheat Fields or Walkable City for Solano Open Space?
A proposal for a 17,500-acre new sustainable city in Solano County’s rolling hills has locals worrying and dreaming. County voters will likely embrace or reject the resulting “East Solano Homes, Jobs, and Clean Energy Initiative” in November 2024.
Nested Plans Neck and Neck with Rising Bay
Like Russian dolls, Bay Area preparations for sea level rise finally began fitting together this fall.
Finding the Throughline in Multi-Hazard Planning
As climate hazards multiply, Bay Area communities, local governments, and agencies are searching for ways to address them more holistically.
Shifting Tideline Calls For New Coast Guidance
A little-known tenet of California law may play a key role in preserving the state’s beaches—and the public’s access to them—as sea levels rise. “In a lot of places, the public trust boundary will move landward,” says Awbrey Yost…
Women At Coastal Helm Walk the Talk
A record number of women are leading coastal agencies. In this podcast, they share their visions, discuss equity and glass ceilings, and comment on work-life balance.
New Flood Protection Standard for the Peninsula
In San Mateo County, new planning guidance may help cities account for rising seas when approving new developments. OneShoreline’s proposals are stricter than current requirements from federal, state, and local agencies, but those are also evolving. “The intent is to go where we already see regulators are going,” says Makena Wong, a project manager.
Region Reconnoiters on 30×30 Aspirations
Keeping a third of California unpaved may be ambitious in a state where the car remains king, but politicians are coming around. The Bay Area has 117 projects lined up to be counted.
Looking for Justice at the Nexus of Housing and Climate Policy
How housing is built and who it is built for are not only equity questions, but also climate mitigation questions. When people can afford to live near their jobs, their emissions from commuting go down.