Category: City & County Initiatives
Lighting a Fire Under K-12 Climate Literacy
In a sixth-grade Petaluma classroom, children are exploring how to make wind energy, fulfilling new state mandates to build climate literacy.
Wildfire in the Big City?
San Francisco’s 2025 Hazards and Climate Resilience plan says the city’s urban forests pose a moderate wildfire risk. One resident thinks preparedness could be challenging.
Six “Unrealistic” Ideas for Deep Greening San Francisco
We need bolder visions for San Francisco’s future this election. From car-free downtown zones to sustainable sports complexes, here are six “unrealistic” ideas that challenge the city’s status quo.

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Two Workshops Daylight Alameda-Oakland Shore Solutions
A collaborative planning committee is shopping strategies to safeguard East Bay shores from sea level rise, groundwater, and stormwater flooding.
Lighting a Fire Under K-12 Climate Literacy
In a sixth-grade Petaluma classroom, children are exploring how to make wind energy, fulfilling new state mandates to build climate literacy.
Wildfire in the Big City?
San Francisco’s 2025 Hazards and Climate Resilience plan says the city’s urban forests pose a moderate wildfire risk. One resident thinks preparedness could be challenging.
Six “Unrealistic” Ideas for Deep Greening San Francisco
We need bolder visions for San Francisco’s future this election. From car-free downtown zones to sustainable sports complexes, here are six “unrealistic” ideas that challenge the city’s status quo.
Uncertainty Requires a Buffet of Resilience Choices
Oakland plans three main resilience hubs. Activists say funding a more decentralized network could be more equitable.
Marin Makes Clean Sweep of Forest Floors
After witnessing fire disasters in neighboring counties, Marin formed a unique fire prevention authority and taxpayers funded it. Thirty projects and three years later, the county is clearer of undergrowth.
Letting the Cliff Crumble
As a community of nature-minded, eco-friendly folks, Santa Cruz has been working on climate adaptation plans for many decades. But no one anticipated the storms of early 2023.
LA Heat Officer Goes Far But Not Far Enough
Knee Deep follows up with Marta Segura, one of only 3 heat chiefs nationwide, about lessons learned since 2023.
100+ Easements for One Flood Wall?
This Marin County community desperately needs a new flood wall. Private ownership and a pricey bill stand in the way.
Teaming Up to Tackle East Bay Wet Spots
Partners push for three projects and a big grant to protect a critical swath of the East Bay shoreline from sea-level and groundwater rise.
A Fix for Old Drains, Old Trees with New Rainfall
To get storm resilient, a stretch of El Camino Real in San Mateo may lose hundreds of historic eucalyptus trees.
San Mateo Antes Up for Flood-Free Future
When San Mateo Creek topped its banks during last winter’s relentless winter storms, Danielle Cwirko-Godycki’s home became one of thousands in the city to flood.