Tag: Science

When Hot Gets Hotter

Recent research from UC Berkeley’s David Romps explores how extreme heat and humidity push the body to its physiological limits.


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When Hot Gets Hotter

Recent research from UC Berkeley’s David Romps explores how extreme heat and humidity push the body to its physiological limits.

Fast-Forward Fire

A new study, published last month in Nature, calculates that climate change has increased the risk of fast-spreading fires by 25% on average.

Wildlife Roll With Wildfire

Imagine a Mad Max-style wasteland, ravaged by wildfire, but populated by frolicking woodland fauna. That’s what Kendall Calhoun was surprised to see just months after one of California’s biggest megafires.

What Exactly is a Bomb Cyclone Anyway?

It’s hard for me to imagine a scarier name for weather than bomb cyclone — the kind of California experienced on January 4, 2023 — and in the days leading up to the storm, the media frenzy amped up my fears even more. Next, PG&E and my internet provider warned me of service outages. Then, Governor Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency.

Seeding Citizen Scientists

Billy Krimmel decided to sow tens of thousands of native seeds around Davis and do everything wrong. Everything wrong, at least, by the standards of the professional landscapers.
