Tag: Money
100+ Easements for One Flood Wall?
This Marin County community desperately needs a new flood wall. Private ownership and a pricey bill stand in the way.
Teaming Up to Tackle East Bay Wet Spots
Partners push for three projects and a big grant to protect a critical swath of the East Bay shoreline from sea-level and groundwater rise.
San Mateo Antes Up for Flood-Free Future
When San Mateo Creek topped its banks during last winter’s relentless winter storms, Danielle Cwirko-Godycki’s home became one of thousands in the city to flood.

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California Makes Biggest Downpayment Ever for One Region’s Climate-Ready Projects
A NOAA grant will fund flood mitigation, wildfire risk reduction, and habitat restoration — and green job creation — across Santa Cruz-Monterey.
100+ Easements for One Flood Wall?
This Marin County community desperately needs a new flood wall. Private ownership and a pricey bill stand in the way.
Teaming Up to Tackle East Bay Wet Spots
Partners push for three projects and a big grant to protect a critical swath of the East Bay shoreline from sea-level and groundwater rise.
San Mateo Antes Up for Flood-Free Future
When San Mateo Creek topped its banks during last winter’s relentless winter storms, Danielle Cwirko-Godycki’s home became one of thousands in the city to flood.
Institutional Purchasing Power Directed To Good Food
Bay Area schools, hospitals and other institutions are taking a close look at their food procurement practices to balance the needs of their communities and the environment. A new roadmap provides them with a values-based framework.
Crunching the Adaptation Numbers – Not Peanuts
Regional agencies made splashy headlines when they released a joint study on the likely cost of protecting Bay Area shores from rising seas: $110 billion. But the top-line number didn’t offer much insight into the complexities. A new inventory and map from the same agencies is much more revealing.
Pricing Climate Risk
To get the basics of pricing the risks of climate change, you could do worse than to talk to Dag Lohmann. He knows just how much creeping climate change is changing insurance arithmetic.