
Lighting a Fire Under K-12 Climate Literacy

In a sixth-grade Petaluma classroom, children are exploring how to make wind energy, fulfilling new state mandates to build climate literacy.

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Petaluma Starts Climate Conversations

Petaluma Starts Climate Conversations

Petaluma made international news earlier this year for enacting the nation’s first ban on new gas stations. The city of 60,000 in southern Sonoma County also moved this year to prohibit natural gas in nearly all new construction, and hasn’t allowed new drive-thrus since 2008. It aims to be carbon neutral by 2030.

North Bay Towns Embrace Drought Gardens

North Bay Towns Embrace Drought Gardens

The conundrums of whether or not to spend water on gardening during a drought are many. Growing backyard food is not just enjoyable, it also cuts down on greenhouse gasses from food transport and storage. Maintaining – or expanding – ornamental gardens is therapeutic but also can sustain pollinators and wildlife that are struggling to survive human-made hurdles.