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UC Berkeley’s Brilliant Breakthrough in Carbon Capture
Researchers have developed COF-999, a new material that absorbs CO₂ directly from the air without rapidly degrading — a game-changer for carbon capture.
Coho Salmon Remain Afloat Four Years After CZU Fire
At the southern end of their range, coho salmon in Scott Creek are adapting to wildfire and warming.
How Two East Bay Teachers Are Fighting the Climate Crisis
Climate literacy and sustainability resolutions are changing how East Bay schools tackle teaching about climate science and solutions.
California Makes Biggest Downpayment Ever for One Region’s Climate-Ready Projects
A NOAA grant will fund flood mitigation, wildfire risk reduction, and habitat restoration — and green job creation — across Santa Cruz-Monterey.
Collecting and Unifying Regional Metrics on Wetland Health
By standardizing and coordinating data collection, the Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program will supercharge new analyses of restoration projects.
Two Workshops Daylight Alameda-Oakland Shore Solutions
A collaborative planning committee is shopping strategies to safeguard East Bay shores from sea level rise, groundwater, and stormwater flooding.
Vote Cinches Robust Regional Response to Sea Level Rise
BCDC adopted a Regional Shoreline Adaptation Plan in December 2024, setting the stage for local governments to address growing flood threat.