Go-To Guide for Policy Action

Climate hazards are hitting some Bay Area communities harder than others. These impacts, along with our deeply embedded history of exclusionary zoning and growing income inequality, mean that people of color and those with fewer resources often bear the brunt of the climate crisis. The Resilience Playbook, produced by the Greenbelt Alliance, is a go-to guide for accelerating equitable adaptation to the region’s climate crisis. It offers a holistic approach to advancing solutions that address overlapping environmental, economic, and social challenges.

The Playbook gives a step-by-step guidance on how to integrate urban greening into general plans, along with a menu of policy examples, budget priorities, and model climate action plans to catalyze resilience action for citizens, municipalities, and community organizations. Critically, the playbook offers advice on effectively partnering with underserved populations and communities who are often left out of the budget and infrastructure conversations where priorities are decided.

greenbelt alliance logo

Five Action Areas

The Policy Matrix ~ An extensive collection of best practices gathered from ambitious General Plans and Climate Action Plans across California, including policy recommendations from guidebooks and scientific papers.

Toolkit for Implementing Climate Policies ~ A toolkit for tackling governance issues, with recommendations to cities and counties on how to actualize policy examples in the Playbook.

Cartoon from resilience playbook of climate resilient living.

Sample from the resilience playbook.

Sample from the resilience playbook.

Sample from the resilience playbook.sample from Greenbelt Alliance Resilience Playbook.

Sample from the resilience playbook.

sample from Greenbelt Alliance Resilience Playbook

Sample from the resilience playbook.

Read KneeDeep Story About the Playbook